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What is 360° photo?
360° photo is a panoramic photograph covering the whole horizon, and it can be viewed also 90° up and 90° down. This kind of photo can be described also as immersive photo as you can see the whole surrounding around a photo spot as observed by a photographer.
360° photos can be produced from shots captured by a wide angle camera by stitching multiple photos to a full 360° photo. There are also available specific 360° cameras that simultaneously takes for example two 180° photos that are then stitched together by using advanced post-processing automation. One of such devices is Insta360 One RS 1-Inch 360 Edition, that is also utilized for producing photos on this website.
Browsers, mobile devices and VR headsets allow viewing 360° photos from different viewpoints. Photos can also be projected to different projections to be printed or visualized as a cropped image, a panorama or a "little planet"-image (stereographic projection) just like the Earth is visualized using map projections.